Benefits of the introduction of the European Experimental Vehicles Committee EEVC Working Group 10 proposed pedestrian impact requirements.

Bamberg, R. & Zellmer, H.

In order to reduce the severity of injuries to unprotected road users struck by passenger cars, car fronts should comply with specific requirements. For this purpose, EEVC WG 10 has proposed a test procedure which is under discussion to be included in the EC Council Directive relating to external projection of motor vehicles. The benefits of the test procedure being introduced as a regulation were assessed in terms of the cost savings to be expected from the potential reduction in fatalities and in terms of the cost difference expected if accident victims suffered slight injuries instead of serious injuries and if accident victims remained uninjured instead of suffering slight injuries. In order to ensure a reliable order to ensure a reliable data base, the study was undertaken for the Federal Republic of Germany, covering the yar 1990. The calculated potential benefits per newly registered car range between 28 and 36 ECU, based on the average European cost unit rates. The calculated benefits represent a minimum value. The cost-effectiveness of the proposed legislation can be assured as long as the costs per newly registered passenger car (at 1990 prices) do not exceed the amounts stated. (A).

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In: Proceedings of the conference Road Safety in Europe and Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), Lille, France, September 26-28, 1994, VTI Konferens 2A, Part 2, p. 53-69, 13 ref.

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