Beoordeling van het Automatic Rear Fog Flashlight ARFF-systeem (knipperende mistachterlampen) : een notitie ten behoeve van het Verbond van Verzekeraars.

Schoon, C.C.

The Automatic Rear Fog Flashlight (ARFF) system is an electronic circuit for activating the rear fog flashlights when braking a vehicle with the rear foglights switched on. The system aims to warn drivers of following vehicles for braking vehicles that are in front of them, in circumstances of bad visibility conditions. In this report, some remarks are made on the system as well as suggestions for the adjustment of it.


Library number
C 22011 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1996, 7 p.; D-96-1

SWOV publication

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