Beurteilung der zeitvarianten Beanspruchung des Menschen bei der Kraftfahrzeugführung in Feldstudien und Laboruntersuchungen. Examination and assessment of time-variant human strain in motor car driving: Real situation-simulation.

Haider, E. & Rohmert, W.

Time variant processes of activity, activation and strain of man are registered during several hours of automobile driving (highway-autobahn) for different stress conditions and classified in terms of degrees of fatigue. By comparison with an assessment of strain in a simulated driving task with the same individual and the same research methods, it is shown that the development of methods for measurement and assessment of time-variant human processes in laboratory experiments can be recommended.

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Library number
B 26158 fo /83./2 IRRD 251872

From: European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 38 (1978) No. 2, p. 133-143, 3 fig., 1 graph., 3 tab., 14 ref.

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