Bilförares inställning till hastigheter och hastighetsgränser : result frän fem enkäter 1981-1985. (Driver attitudes to speed and speed limit regulations : results from five mail surveys 1981-1985).

Rydgren, H.

Results from five mail surveys carried out in Swedish drivers concerning their attitudes to speed and speed limit regulations are presented. About 50% of the drivers considerit more essential to follow the prevalent speed than the speed limit. One fourth of the drivers are of the opinion that speed is excusable, because of the low speed limits. During the period studied, these attitudes have changed negatively, especially among the young drivers.

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Library number
B 26817 /83 / IRRD 808145

Borlänge, Trafiksäkerhetsverket, Planeringsenheten, Analyssektionen, 1986, 33 p. + app.

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