Biomechanical properties of the male and female chest subjected to frontal and lateral impacts.

Kimpara, H. Iwamoto, M. Miki, K. Lee, J.B. Begeman, P.C. Yang, K.H. & King, A.I.

The purpose of this study was to determine chest impact responses and injury thresholds due to gender differences based on a retrospective review of published data. Data from 83 cadaveric frontal and lateral blunt impacts to the chest and 96 isolated rib bending tests were selected to characterize chest biomechanical properties. Variables selected for analysis were relevant cadaveric information, test conditions, chest impact response and resulting chest injuries. It was found that chest stiffness was significantly higher in males than in females in frontal impact. Similarly, the cross-sectional area and bending stiffness of female ribs were significantly lower than those of males. More research is needed to determine injury thresholds for lateral impact due to gender differences. For the covering abstract see E135170.

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Library number
C 41865 (In: C 41848 CD-ROM) /84 / ITRD E135188

In: Proceedings of the 2003 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Lisbon (Portugal), September 24-25, 2003, Session 5 - Biomechanics Of Human Thorax And Shoulder, 13 p., 37 ref.

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