Botonde Nieuwe Purmerweg te Amsterdam : second opinion. In opdracht van Projectbureau Noordwaarts.

Braimaister, L.G. & Schoon, C.C.

Botonde Nieuwe Purmerweg in Amsterdam; Second opinion. The Amsterdam project developer 'Noordwaarts' asked SWOV for a second opinion about the design of a double roundabout at the intersection of the Nieuwe Purmerweg and the Nieuwe Leeuwarderweg in Amsterdam which was opened in December 2009. Project developer Noordwaarts' request was partly motivated by complaints by some of the local residents and users of the roundabout about the executed design. The residents' objections mainly focused on the bicycle track which is situated at the southern side and is considered to be hazardous. After an inspection of the location and a study of the design the findings have been laid down and proposals for improvements have been made.


Library number
C 47425 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2010, 31 p., 6 ref.; D-2010-1

SWOV publication

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