Bouwstenen voor de Route-26 spelaanpak. In opdracht van het pilotteam Route 26.

Immers, L.H. & Berghout, E.A.

This study reveals the building blocks for the Route-26 game, a game simulation that invites all the parties involved to come up with solutions for a spatial traffic problem that is described. By building blocks intrinsic, instrumental and process-related elements are meant that can evoke an innovative view of the policy preparation process that lies at the heart of the Route-26 approach. By focusing the attention of the participants of the game on these building blocks, new solutions (solution routes) emerge for the problem. This innovative view of the problem can be desirable as it implies a different approach (content and/or process), enabling the added value of a proposal to be highlighted. Furthermore introduction of a building block implies the application of one or more special measures, enabling an (additional) intrinsic added value to be created that functions as 'loose change' to bring parties together. In consultation with the client (Route 26, Roads to the Future), a selection was made of six studies that can be considered for definition as a building block. Assessment was based on: definition of the innovative element (methodology, measure, process) that can be interpreted as a building block; definition of the effects to be achieved by using the building blok; definition of the application possibilities of the building block: which situations lend themselves to the application of this measure (link to the Route-26 game). Subsequently the information embodied in the building blocks is decoded for the Route-26 game. This was done by representing diagrammatically the planning process in which the respective building blocks can be used and by making accessible the information regarding the building block through a series of key words. (A)

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Library number
20021777 ST

Delft, TNO Instituut voor Verkeer en Vervoer, Logistiek en Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling Inro, 2002, IX + 40 p., 7 ref.; TNO Inro rapport 2002-32 / 02 7N 107 72281 - ISBN 90-6743-916-9

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