Boze agressie in het verkeer : een emotietheoretische benadering.

Levelt, P.B.M.

This article concentrates on `angry' aggression in traffic, within an emotional-theoretical context. An analysis of newspaper reports shows that excessively aggressive acts (`road rage') are relatively uncommon and not relevant for traffic safety. Publicity campaigns aim at preventing all kinds of violations and dangerous acts, which arouse irritation and aggression. The author proposes to distinguish between two forms of aggression: angry aggression and all other aggression acts. The last acts are of all sorts and cannot be studied within one theoretical frame. Angry aggression is prompted by a feeling of anger at perceived hindrance or injustice, and leads to a tendency to cause damage or to threat to cause damage. Some studies on angry aggression are mentioned. First data on frequency of events causing anger on the road were found, and relations were assessed between moods and emotions on the one hand and dangerous acts on the other. A number of preventive actions are suggested by the emotional-theoretical approach. (A)

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Library number
C 16465 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E203722

Justitiële Verkenningen, Vol. 27 (2001), No. 1 (januari/februari), p. 95-109, 33 ref.

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