Budgetten voor vervoerregio's : bekostiging afgestemd op mobiliteitsproblemen.

Moor, A.P.G. de Vliet, J.S. van & Groot, H. de

The policy of the Dutch national government is to give transport regions a main function in the design of regional traffic and transport policy. One of the instruments for the government is a collected payment to the regions for small projects. The government wants to divide these payments on the transport regions on the basis of variables related to traffic and transport. The design of a distribution model for these payments is aimed at a general defrayment with a certain amount of steering and influencing, and is likely to happen.

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Library number
C 6011 (In: C 5991) /10 /72 / IRRD 884079

In: Openbaar Vervoer Colloquium 1994 : regionalisatie en verzakelijking in het openbaar vervoer : hoe werkt dat in de praktijk ? : bundeling van bijdragen van het colloquium gehouden te Utrecht op 10 juni 1994, p. 205-215

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