Bus and passenger accident prevention.

Byman, J.A. & Hathaway, W.T.

While the safety record of transit bus operations, in general, has been very good, accidents do occur. The resulting injuries, fatalities and property damage often result in the expenditure of scare resources. Costs associated with accidents consume funds that could be used to provide safe and efficient service to the system patrons and employees. This document provides guidance on how to develop and implement an accident prevention program for urban, rural and specialized transit systems. It identifies issues that must be addressed in order to ensure the highest degree of safety and service to passengers, employees and the general public. Some of these issues include the development and implementation of an accident revention program, evaluation of design options for new vehicles, promotion of patron safety/awareness, consideration of personnel and training issues, and discussion of policy and procedure development. (A)

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Library number
C 8260 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 869811

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Transit Adminstration FTA, Office of Technical Assistance and Safety, 1994, VIII + 68 p., 7 ref.; DOT-VNTSC-FTA-94-2 / FTA-MA-26-0010-94-1

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