Byernes trafikarealer. Haefte Vx : krydsninger mellem stier og veje : eksempler. (The towns' traffic areas. Booklet Vx: crossings between paths and roads : examples.)

Working Group "Geometrical Design of Individual Elements of Urban Traffic Networks"; Marstrand, J. (chairman)

This booklet contains 13 examples of crossings between paths and roads. These examples are divided into eight groups: (1) path tunnels; (2) path bridges; (3) ordinary signal-controlled crossings; (4) crossings with a school patrol flashing a light; (5) ordinary pedestrian crossings; (6) other crossings where road traffic has a legal requirement to give way; (8) path junctions. Each example is based on a specific, implemented project, but details such as geometrical design, marking and planting of trees and shrubs, have been partly modified. Each example fills a folder. On the left side, the relevant assumptions are described; in every case, the reason for implementing the installation is discussed, and accident assumptions are also discussed where there are conversions. On the right side, the project is examined. Comments are made on any deviations from the directions in booklet V, and the project's most important results, especially the accident situation after its completion, are discussed. For each example, pictures are given of the crossing before and after the project's installation. This booklet was originally published in Danish as The Highways Administration, Highways Regulations Committee: The towns' traffic areas, booklet Vx, Crossings between paths and roads, Examples, 1987 (Vejdirektoratet Vejregeludvalget Byernes Trafikarealer, Haefte Vx, Krydsninger mellem stier og veje, eksempler). For abstracts of booklets IV, IVx, V, VII and VIIX see IRRD 844550-844552, 844554 and 844555.

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Library number
C 25175 [electronic version / /20 /

Kobenhavn, Vejdirektoratet Danish Road Insitute, 1987, 47 p. - ISSN 0106-9772 / ISBN 87-7491-350-6; Also published as: TRRL Translation. 1991/04. (T 3740a PA)

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