Capaciteit van wegen en paden voor recreatief fietsen.

Alderwegen, H.A. van

The main purpose of the study is the development of a set of specifications by which the capacity of roads and tracks for recreational cycling can be determined. Differentiation should be made between the different categories of roads and tracks. Interviews and traffic counts were held in Limburg. Cyclists were asked about the influence of the intensities of other traffic on their recreational comfort. Roads with segregated cycle tracks give the most comfort, but when the traffic concentrations is not too big, such a segregation is not necessary per se.

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Library number
B 23632 /21/72/ IRRD 280042

Wageningen, Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding, Afdeling Wegen en Verkeer, 1981, VI + 44 p. + app., 16 ref.

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