Characteristics of 1977 licensed drivers and their travel.

Asin, R.H.

The report is part of a series that provides findings from the 1977 Nationwide Personal Transportation Study (NPTS). The report provides information on characteristics of licensed drivers. The distribution of licensed drivers by place of residence, age and sex, is presented. Travel patterns of drivers are examined in terms of average annual miles driven by age and sex, place of residence, number of household drivers, number of household vehicles, and household incomes.

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Library number
B 21035 [electronic version only] /10/72/ IRRD 257417

Washington, D.C., Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Highway Planning, 1980, 71 p., graph., tab.; FHWA-PL-80-007 / NTIS PB 81-135972. Nationwide Personal Transportation Study 1977-1.

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