Characteristics of older drivers in Western Australia.

Cameron, D. Bartholomaeus, E. Lee, H. Xiao, J. & Hocking, L.

This paper reports on the results of a 1998/99 survey which investigated the characteristics of 834 Western Australian drivers 50 years old and over. A comprehensive fitness index was developed which covers older drivers' visual, hearing, physical, medical and general conditions. Some risk factors among this specific population were identified in terms of driving safety. The potential effects of these characteristics of older drivers on their driving abilities were explored. The results of the study have ramifications for older drivers, road safety authorities, licensing bodies and other organisations in service planning and management of older drivers and evaluation of their driving abilities. The study also lays a foundation for further research in identifying measures and developing strategies for the evaluation of individual older drivers. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E205827.

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Library number
C 37372 (In: C 37367) [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD E205832

In: Green light for the future : 1999 Insurance Commission of Western Australia Conference on Road Safety, Perth, Western Australia, 26 November 1999, p. 61-77, 26 ref.

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