Cognitive models and driving : the value of error and error analysis.

Lourens, P.F.

In traffic research it is recognised that it is important to obtain a better understanding of human failure, and of the psychological mechanisms that cause people engaged in routine activity to make occasional errors. Driving a vehicle is used as an example of a routine task. Human error as a topic of research has become important for two main reasons: (1) with the use of increasing complex technology, errors can cause considerable damage; and (2) for the development of scientific models of human cognitive functioning. This report reviews the literature on human error analysis, gives a background to the theoretical models, and indicates the relationship of cognitive models with other fields of psychology.


Library number
C 14747 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 831886

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory TRRL TRL, 1990, 64 p., 123 ref.; Contractor Report ; CR 194 - ISSN 0266-7045

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