Communicating EU transport research.

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

Communication, dissemination and exploitation – a team working on an FP7 project is called upon to take part in various activities that will bring their research to the attention of as many relevant people as possible. With a little creativity, strategic communication efforts can help publicise your work in such a way that you will profit: through new business opportunities, a larger network or increased awareness about your work. This short guide will help you attain just that. You will be given a clear overview of contractual requirements and their intended use. You will be inspired by some good practices from fellow project coordinators. And you will find a helpful checklist to help improve your own communication activities right from the start of your project.


Library number
20120555 ST [electronic version only]

Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union Eur-OP, 2012, 16 p.; Catalogue number KI-32-12-060-EN-C - ISBN 978-92-79-23198-8

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