Community traffic monitoring : taking the pressure off police.

Wrobel, J.

Increasing traffic has contributed to increasing traffic law violations. As a result, police authorities sometimes have to monitor compliance with traffic regulations so much that they cannot perform their full range of duties. This situation has led legislators in some of the States of Germany to delegate some red light and speed monitoring and enforcement to local communities. Such surveillance is only to be done by local communities, where this is necessary for road safety and traffic discipline. The stationary speed measurement equipment, used by local communities for this purpose, must satisfy special requirements, including: (1) fully automatic operation with acceptable measurements and documentation of infringements; (2) ability to photograph in all weather and light conditions; (3) high-quality easy-to-use camera with short exposure times; and (4) modular design. The German company Traffipax, which has been internationally active in photographic traffic surveillance for over 40 years, has made such equipment, including the TraffiphotIII-SR and Traffiphot-G combined red light and speed measurement units. In a typical urban application, when the number of accidents is reduced to zero and improvement in driver discipline is reported at one accident black spot, the equipment can then be moved to another.

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In: Traffic technology international '97, p. 281-282

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