A comparative network simulation of different methods of traffic restraint.

Wigan, M.R. & Bamford, T.J.G.

The concept of a pricing system as means of controlling congestion has often been proposed. This report describes the simulation of three practical methods of implementing road pricing. These are parking charges, a cordon of charges about a network centre, and pricing point systems. The effects of each scheme are compared with those predicted for marginal social cost pricing system, and an assessment of the capacity of the road network with and without a parity of restraint schemes is also obtained.


Library number
B 3295 [electronic version only] /10/70/ IRRD 206635

Crowthorne, Transport and Road Research Laboratory TRRL, 1973, 43 p., 25 fig., 7 graph., 5 tab., 7 ref.; TRRL Report LR- 566

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