Comparison of crush characteristics of frontal and side pole impacts.

Chen, H.F. & Guenther, D.A.

Pole impacts are not uncommon among all types of vehicle accidents. Frontal pole impacts have been studied to a greater extent than side pole impacts. Little attention has been focused on side pole impacts. Thus, this paper shows crush characteristics and the differences between both frontal and side pole impacts. It is well known that on-road vehicles have less structure or survival space to protect occupants in side impacts than in frontal impacts. Therefore, the study of the crush characteristics of side pole impacts in this paper is expected to help the understanding of occupant protection in side impacts. For the covering abstract see ITRD E116488.

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Library number
C 25564 (In: C 25556) /82 /91 /95 / ITRD E116496

In: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA) dedicated conference on road and vehicle safety, Florence, Italy, 16th - 19th June 1997, p. 87-94, 7 ref.

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