A comparison of five exemplary transportation services for the disabled.

Everett, C.T.

This paper describes and compares five exemplary services: two are main-line services (Seattle, Washington, and Champaign, Illinois), and three areparatransit services (Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; and Lancaster, Pennsylvania). These services were chosen for study for three basic reasons, because they: (1) are of interest to other localities because they have had relatively high ridership and good reliability; (2) represent very different demand and operating environments; and (3) have been monitored quite carefully during their implementation by the Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA). As a result, it has been possible to develop consistent measures of benefits and costs using standardized methods and assumptions. The paper begins with a description of the distinguishing characteristics of each of the five services and then compares them in terms of costs, benefits, and service levels.

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Library number
C 45193 (In: C 45189) /72 / ITRD E846158

In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Handicapped Persons, under the auspices of Florida State University and the Loughborough University of Technology, Orlando, Florida, October 29-31, 1984, 7 p.

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