Computer simulation of automobile accidents : a new research tool. Paper presented at the Eastern Simulation Council Meeting, 17-18 October 1967.

McHenry, R.R.

One CAL digital computer program simulates responses of the crash victim during a longitudinal collision (i.e., a frontal or rear impact). The eleven-degree-of-freedom nonlinear mathematical model is being used to evaluate the effects of belt-type restraints and energy absorption properties of vehicle interiors and structures. In another CAL research program, an eleven-degree-of-freedom nonlinear mathematical model of an automobile traversing irregular terrain and encountering obstacles has been formulated and programmed for a digital computer. This simulation provides an analytical means of evaluating existing and proposed roadside energy`conversion systems. The two simulation programs are described and their outputs are compared with experimental responses.

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A 1927 fo

New York, Cornell Aeronautioal Laboratory, 1969, 26 p.

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