Concept description Kilometre Price.


This document provides a high-level functional description of system and organisation for the Kilometre Price, hereafter referred to as ‘KMP’. The scope of this document is the final objective (‘eindbeeld’) which means that intermediate objective (‘tussenbeeld’) has not been taken into consideration. This document describes the primary system, using On-Board Equipment (OBE) to measure the usage of the vehicle. In addition, a simpler secondary system may be realised for occasional users or as fall-back in case of equipment failure. This secondary system is outside the scope of (the current version of) this document. The systems architecture, including an allocation of processes to subsystems in the vehicle, at the roadside or in back offices is outside the scope of this document. Auxiliary, not KMP-specific processes, such as HRM or real estate processes, and workflow processes are also outside the scope of this document and will be part of other documents. Triggers that initiate processes described in this document, for example the trigger ‘request for a contract’, are therefore out of scope of this document as well. Note that the subdivision of processes used in this document does not exclude a process being divided into sub-processes and each of these sub-processes being assigned to more than one organisation. For example, the Customer Care process (see section 6) may exist of a Customer Care sub-process for enforcement purposes, which may be assigned to the organisation responsible for other enforcement processes. The clustering of processes to distinct roles, and the assignment of roles to public or private organisations will be part of other documents. This document is intended to give a high-level overview of specific tasks/processes that have to be in place in the operational phase of the KMP. The document describes the processes necessary for KMP on an abstract level connecting these processes using data flows (i.e. information flows). Each process and data flow identified is defined in this document up to the appropriate level. Secondly, it provides a common terminology to prevent different interpretations and to simplify the communication between parties involved. This document is starting point for a series of documents (to be written) that will define the scope of distinct clusters of tasks for the KMP that will be tendered/assigned by the Ministry of Transport. The processes and data flows defined in this document serve as a basic description of KMP functionality. On this basis, subsequent documentation can be derived and developed such as system architecture documentation, system design descriptions and requirements specifications. It also serve as a reference for other disciplines working on KMP. Section 1 — this section — contains an introduction. Section 2, ‘Terms, acronyms and notation’ introduces the terms abbreviations and notation used in this document. Section 3, ‘KMP description and context’, provides a brief description of the functionality of the KMP, its context and assumptions made. Section 4, ‘Level 1 processes KMP’, describes the five major processes and the data flows that are crossing the KMP boundary. The remaining sections, i.e. Sections 5 - 9, describe the interrelation of these processes, including data outbound and internal flows. Each of these sections starts with an overview of the relations to the other major processes, before detailing the process itself. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20151199 ST [electronic version only]

's-Gravenhage, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Directoraat-Generaal Personenvervoer DGP, 2007, 50 p.

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