Concession A25: TAC Environmental Achievement Award Submission. (Concession A25: Candidature pour le prix de realisation environnementale de l'ATC.)

Marechal, D.

Traffic flow between the northern suburbs and the Montreal Metropolitan area is a key issue in many respects. Solutions currently under development include enhancing public transit service and upgrading the current roadway. The project, carried out by Concession A25 S.E.C. (CA25) in partnership with the Ministere des transports du Quebec (MTQ), is the first project run as part of a public-private partnership (PPP) in Quebec. Kiewit-Parsons (KP) is responsible for design and construction. The purpose of this PPP-driven project is clearly to ensure a rapid road-transport alternative-a new service that will benefit users, communities, investors and partners-while complying with the most current sustainable-development standards which call for balanced economic, environmental and social aspects. All of the solutions presented are administered as part of an environmental management system ISO 14001-certified within nine months as set out in the partnership agreement between the MTQ and CA25, and based on KP's existing environmental management system. Certification shows that the company has clearly identified the major environmental impacts of the project and that it manages them in a manner consistent with all of the requirements. This paper was originally published in French as Concession A25: Candidature pour le prix de realization environnementale de l'ATC (see ITRD number F160277). This project was nominated for the TAC 2009 Environmental Achievement Award.

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C 50385 (In: C 50339 [electronic version only]) /10 /15 /50 / ITRD E220352

In: Adjusting to new realities : proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from September 26 to 29, 2010, 9 p.

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