Concessionary fares and children's travel patterns : an analysis based on the 1978/79 National Travel Survey NTS.

O'Reilly, D.M.

This report uses data from the 1978/79 National Travel Survey to describe young people's travel patterns and to examine the effects of concessionary fares schemes, provided at the discretion of local authorities, on their local public bus journeys. Attention is focused on estimating, at a national level, the extent to which different types of concession `generate' additional bus journeys, i.e., journeys that would not otherwise have taken place had no concession scheme existed. Most of the previous work on the subject of trip generation has been concerned with concessionary fares schemes for elderly people. The report shows the travel patterns and types of concessionary fares schemes available to young people, when comparing these with other groups they were found to be very different and so it seems preferable to apply different estimates of generated travel to differentage groups.


Library number
C 4294 [electronic version only] /72 /10 / IRRD 823352

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory TRRL TRL, 1989, 16 p., 14 ref.; Research Report ; RR 203 - ISSN 0266-5247

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