The cost of some road accident injuries within the Department of Transport DOT serious and slight range.

Murray, P.A. Pitcher, M. & Galasko, C.S.B.

An in-depth study was carried out on samples of road accident patients who had suffered injuries classified by the Department of Transport as `serious' and `slight' and required hospital treatment; some of the most disabling injuries: `whiplash' and simple fractures of the upper and lower limbs, were excluded as these had been the subject of an earlier study. Patients were interviewed a few days after the accident, and then at six monthly intervals over a period of 18 months. The objectives were to identify the consequences of the injuries, in terms of the level and nature of resulting disability, and the costs to the Health and Social Security Services, time off work, and financial costs to the individual; other less tangible costs to the patient and their families were not quantified. The results have contributed to the Department of Transport's re-valuation of the medical and support cost of road accident casualties. The report shows the initial level of disability among the two groups of patients, and the steady decline over the 18 month period as the majority recovered from their injuries. The changing level of use of Health Services, and payments of Social Security Benefits are identified, and converted into costs to the nation over an 18 month period. Direct financial effects on the individual as loss of income and settlement of compensation claims are also shown. (A)


Library number
C 4199 [electronic version only] /84 /10 / IRRD 869391

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1994, 60 p., 10 ref.; Project Record ; S2/2E / Project Report ; PR 106 - ISSN 0968-4093

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