Costs of noise control during earthmoving.

Martin, D.J. & Danes, R.M.

This report describes methods of noise control which can be applied to earthmoving operations at road construction sites. Estimates of the cost penalties for the various methods are discussed for the conventional plant used in earthworks, together with an assessment of belt-conveyors as an alternative strategy. The provision of noise barriers and double glazing, changes in operating techniques and the installation of acoustic silencing on the earthmoving plant are considered, and it is shown that certain methods can reduce noise levels for relatively small increases in cost. However, if the intensity of operations is reduced, very large cost penalties are incurred. An example of noise control techniques is given for a semi-urban motorway scheme where the costs of earthmoving for several operating strategies have been calculated. A relation between the cost of noise control and the noise reduction is derived for two model situations involving short and long haul distances.


Library number
C 39690 [electronic version only] /51 /93 / IRRD 225193

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1977, 25 p., 11 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 751

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