The courier industry: establishing attribute valuation in a stated choice perspective with varying choice task complexity.

Saha, T.

A major player in the urban freight travel activity is the courier. The courier industry consists of a number of different types of "courier" each providing different services and as a result, uses different methods to provide that service. The Macquarie Dictionary provides this definition for a courier service: "a company which provides service collecting and delivering letters and parcels". The Industrial Relations Commission (NSW) uses the following definition: "Courier work" means the transportation by means of a courier or taxi truck vehicle of goods up to a maximum of 250 kilograms in weight from one place to another by a contract carrier. It is intended by the parties that the time to be taken is either the shortest possible time or within the time requested by the principal contractor. It is further intended that in any event completion are to be effected on the same day as commencement or by the earliest reasonable possible time on the following normal working day. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E206301.

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Library number
C 43584 (In: C 43510 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E207943

In: CAITR 2001: [proceedings of the] 23rd Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research, 10-12 December 2001, 2002, 16 p., Session 9, 20 ref.

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