Crashes involving farm tractors and other farm vehicles/equipment in North Carolina 1995 - 1999. Prepared for the Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Section, Division of Motor Vehicles, North Carolina Department of Transportation.

Hughes, R.G. & Rodgman, E.A.

Between 1995 and 1997, there were 1499 crashes on North Carolina roads involving farm tractors and/or other farm vehicles/equipment. 1362 crashes involved farm tractors; 137 crashes involved other farm vehicles/equipment. Robson Co. led the state with 54 farm vehicle-involved crashes during this period. Crashes followed seasonal trends; were most likely to occur during the period between 3 and 6pm; and were most likely to involve a collision with a 2/4 door passenger vehicle or pickup truck. On the average, the likelihood that such a crash resulted in an injury was about 50/50; with the probability of a fatality involved being generally about 1-2 chances in 100. Crashes were most likely to occur on secondary routes or NC-numbered highways. More than 70 percent of all farm vehicle-involved crashes occurred on roads with posted speeds in excess of 50mph. Speed was indicated as being involved in these crashes from 25 to 43 percent of the time, depending upon the age of the non-farm vehicle driver. Speed involvement was highest for drivers in the 15–to-20 year old range and decreased through age 60. Speeding violations accounted for four of the top five, non-farm vehicle driver violations. Failure to reduce speed was the most frequently identified violation. (A)

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C 35327 [electronic version only]

Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina UNC, Highway Safety Research Center HSRC, 2000, 10 p.

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