Cursus jonge beginnende automobilisten : handboek voor cursusleiders. In opdracht van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Hoofdafdeling Verkeersveiligheid HVV.

Vissers, J.A.M.M.

Per year more than 200.000 persons in the Netherlands pass the examination for a driving licence. From this persons 58% is 18- 19 years old, and more than 27% is 20- 25 years old. Accident statistics show a high accident rate for these persons. The accident proneness is often due to a gap in driving experience combined with a wrong mentality. The course presented here is aimed to impart a better insight in traffic and to re- adjust technical capacities and to modify mentality and attitude.

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Library number
B 30083 /83.2 /83.4 / IRRD 830667

Veenendaal, Traffic Test B.V., Instituut voor Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek op Verkeersgebied, 1989, 75 p., 20 ref.; TT 89-43

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