Das Blickverhalten von Automobilisten beim Befahren von Kurven.

Studach, H. & Cohen, A.S.

The investigation provided the following results: "experienced" drivers exhibit a different visual behaviour between the traversing of a right-hand and a left-hand bend - their average view-fixation period and the breadth of span is longer or greater for the left-hand bend than for the right-hand, whilst "inexperienced" drivers exhibit no difference in their visual behaviour. When approaching a blind right-hand curve the visual behaviour changes. The average view fixation period diminishes from the stretch immediately preceding the bend, compared with a section of road which has earlier been traversed.

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Library number
C 21048 (In: C 21042) /82 /83 / IRRD 307130

In: Informationen und Mitteilungen des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Psychologen e.V., Sektion Verkehrspsychologie, August 1977, p. 75-98, 18 ref.

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