Daytime running lights DRL : a master plan for an evaluation study in The Netherlands.

Lindeijer, J.E.

It is generally assumed that improved visibility of motor vehicles can make an important contribution to road safety. There are various ways to improve the visibility of motor vehicles. One of these is the use of daytime running lights (DRL). Based on current data (1986), the SWOV has estimated a reduction of approximately 5% in the total number of injury accidents. These considerations have had a significant influence on the decision to introduce compulsory use of daytime running lights in the Netherlands in the fall of 1990. The basic research activities to enable a sound evaluation study of the effect of DRL are described in the master plan. See also B 29954 and 29462.


Library number
B 30080 [electronic version only] /83 /91 / IRRD 830664

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1989, 48 p., 9 ref.; R-89-49

SWOV publication

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