De bestrijding van ongevallen op nat wegdek.

Schlösser, L.H.M. & Stoelhorst, D.

A method was developed to decrease the number of accidents on wet road surfaces. Firstly the risk connected with driving on wet road surfaces is discussed. From a systematic overview of possible measures it is shown that in particular the road administrator can prevent this kind of accidents. Secondly the practical application of the different combating methods are discussed, taken into account the available means.


Library number
B 18123 [electronic version only] /23 /82 /

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1979, 51 p., graph., tab.; R-79-46 / Ook gepubliceerd in: Bijdrage Verkeerstechnische Leergang ANWB 1979, p. 79-107.

SWOV publication

This is a publication by SWOV, or that SWOV has contributed to.