De bromfietser en de verkeersveiligheid : een beschrijving van de bromfietsbezitters en van de onveiligheid van bromfietsers.


The accident quotient is for young moped drivers greater than for older ones, but the fatality quotient is much greater for older moped drivers. Women have a greater accident quotient than men but the fatality quotient is greater for men than for women when riding a moped. In the last years there is an increase of the accident quotient for moped drivers in the western part of Holland and in the big cities.


Library number
B 3155 [electronic version only] /83.1/

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1973, 54 p., graph., tab., ref.; Publikatie 1973-1 N.

SWOV publication

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