De effecten van grootschalige investeringen in de stedelijke verkeersinfrastructuur.

Goeverden, C.D. van

The effects of large-scale investments in urban transport infrastructure. The paper gives an overview of the results of the Transecon-project, a European project that aimed at mapping the effects of investments in urban transport infrastructure (mainly public transport). The results are based on the investigation of investment projects in 13 European cities. These projects have various effects both inside and outside the transportation system. Inside the system, investments in public transport usually involve an extended supply in terms of an increase in seat kilometres. Moreover, the demand for the improved mode increases. The increase may vary from nearly zero to some tenths of percents on the level of the whole city. The demand for other modes decreases somewhat. Underground projects sometimes produce a visible reduction in car traffic. Outside the transportation system, factors like income and employment may be affected. Public transport projects have large effects on the land prices around the stations. In these areas heavy investments in urban regeneration are done, leading to higher densities and a higher urban quality. In the central areas mainly offices and shops are developed, in the periphery mainly residential areas. In general, the effects increase with an increasing investment but at a smaller pace. Therefore, the effects per invested euro decrease when the investment increases. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20041851 c2 ST (In: ST 20041851 [electronic version only])

In: Innovatie : van inspiratie naar realisatie ? : 31ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Zeist, 24 en 25 november 2004, deel 3, p. 611-629, 2 ref.

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