De ijzers af, de wielen onder : verkenning naar het onderwerp skaten. Afstudeerverslag Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer NHTV, Breda.

Vaal, W. de

The number of injuries among skaters in the Netherlands have increased in the last years. Skaters are by law pedestrians, but behave like cyclists. Changing the status of skaters in cyclists will give practical problems. Giving the skater a juridical status for itself will give the best opportunities for the safety of the skater. (A)

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Library number
C 14623 [electronic version only] /73 /72 /21 /83 / IRRD E201706

's-Hertogenbosch, Provinciaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Brabant POVB, Projectgroep Skeeleren, 1999, 96 + 11 p., 31 ref.

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