De invloed van de sectorstructuur van de Nederlandse economie op de milieubelasting van het goederenvervoer. Onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer VROM, Directoraat-Generaal Milieubeheer D...

Feimann, P.F.L. & Wee, G.P. van

Total CO2 and NOx emissions per unit of added value, as well as transport-related emissions, vary enormously between economic sectors. Therefore, not only does overall level of economic growth have an effect on emission levels, but also the sectoral composition of that growth. Assuming an overall economic growth of 3%, this study compares (freight-transport) emission levels of a scenario in which the `favourable' sectors experience 5% growth and the `unfavourable' sectors 1% growth to those of a scenario in which the `favourable' sectors experience 1% growth and the 'unfavourable' sectors 5% growth. CO2 emissions for the most "unfavourable" and most "favourable" scenarios were + 18% and - 18%, respectively, of C02 emissions for 3% overall growth. Similarly, emissions of NOx, were + 20% and - 20%, respectively, of those for 3% overall growth. (A)

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990658 ST [electronic version only]

Bilthoven, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM, 1999, 52 p., 20 ref.; rapportnummer 773002 012

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