De laatste stap van een AGEB- of ASPE-analyse : overzicht van de in aanmerking komende maatregelen.

Slop, M.

The final step of an AGEB or ASPE analysis. Since 1979, the AVOC method ('approach towards road accident concentrations') has been in use in the Netherlands to analyse accidents that occur at intersections and on sections of road with a high accident rate ('black spots'). The final step in the method is a proposal for one or several traffic engineering measures to improve the situation. Much experience has been gained with this method over the past years; several aids have meantime been developed to help design suitable traffic engineering measures. The Handleiding Aanpak Gevaarlijke Situaties (Manual for Handling Hazardous Situations), published in 1992-1993, deals with two new methods for the analysis of road accidents that have not occurred at concentrated points (in addition to the actualised AVOC method): the AGEB method for areas or routes that have proven hazardous, and the ASPE method for accidents that, while distributed over different locations, have one or several characteristics in common. The two new methods are more complex than the A VOC approach. Their application therefore demands a greater understanding of traffic engineering. In addition, it is likely that the traffic engineering measures which could derive from these two measurement methods may be different to some extent from those measures which are most suitable for areas where road accidents are concentrated. In order to promote an interest in the application of the new methods of analysis, a search was undertaken into measures that could be taken in response to an AGEB or ASPE analysis. To this end, a literature study was conducted and a number of discussions were held with experts. These activities have led to a disappointing result, insofar that only few measures have been found which were not already known within the context of the AVOC approach. A systematic overview of the measures collected has been compiled, which also includes the A VOC measures that have proven successful.


Library number
20122327 ST [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 44 p., 3 ref.; R-73-76

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