De ontwikkeling van de geregistreerde verkeersonveiligheid tot en met 1989 in relatie tot het Meerjarenplan Verkeersveiligheid MPV 1987-1991.

Flury, F.C.

A brief continuation of studies done into the development of the traffic safety and policy from the Dutch 1987-1991 multi year plan is given. (See also PB 28155 and 31392). A description is given of the real development of the traffic safety in the period 1974 up to 1989. The results of the analyses of time series are evaluated using the asymptotic model. Priority has been given to data which can concern the efforts of provinces and towns.


Library number
C 54 [electronic version only] /81 /83 / IRRD 844709

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1990, 47 p.; R-90-56

SWOV publication

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