De onveiligheid van kleine snelheidsovertredingen : een effectschatting voor het aantal verkeersslachtoffers binnen de bebouwde kom.

Stipdonk, H.L. & Aarts, L.T.

The safety effects of small speeding offences; An estimate for the number of traffic casualties in urban areas. The Dutch Ministry of Transport asked SWOV which proportion of the traffic fatalities and inpatients is related to small speeding offences. The Ministry's question is prompted by a publicity campaign about small (and unintentional) speeding offences on urban roads. The definition of small offences is 10 to 15 km/h above the limit. In this report an estimate is made of the numbers of registered traffic fatalities and inpatients due to small speeding offences on urban 30- and 50 km/h roads. This estimate is based on measured speed distributions on some urban roads and on relations between speed and unsafe situations that were found in literature. The results are an approximation. Firstly because the measured speed distributions that were used need not be representative of all relevant roads in the Netherlands, and secondly because the available literature about the relation between speed and unsafe situations does not specifically focus on Dutch urban roads. The estimation is that each year there are approximately 5 registered traffic fatalities in crashes related with speeding offences of up to 10 km/h. In relation with speeding offences of up to 15 km/h there are approximately 10 registered fatalities in total. It is difficult to make an approximation on the basis of the inpatients registered in BRON, the data file of registered crashes in the Netherlands, because there is considerable uncertainty about this number. The calculation indicates that each year there are 100-200 inpatients in relation with offences of up to 10 km/h, and 200-300 inpatients in relation with offences of up to 15 km/h. Taking account of the uncertainty concerning the actual speed limit in BRON, it is not advisable to make separate calculations of the casualties saved on 30- and 50km/h roads.


Library number
C 46502 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E219338

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2010, 36 p., 18 ref.; R-2010-4

SWOV publication

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