De opinie van voetgangers over de Maastrichtse opstelling.

Levelt, P.B.M.

This paper describes a questionnaire study amongst 200 pedestrians at 29 crossings with the alternative 'Maastricht' design, at 9 locations, in two Dutch municipalities. The aim was to investigate the presence of resistance to these crossings, and if there was, whether this resistance can be overcome through information campaigns. Less than half of the interviewees were able to cite the actual main distinguishing characteristic: the change in position of the pedestrian light. It also appeared that 32% of the interviewees preferred the new design, 22% preferred the old layout and 44% demonstrated no preference. The safety assessment, which is strongly related to preference, did not favour either of the two systems. One of the positive things said about the new layout was that "there was sufficient time to cross". However, some people believed that there was "more crossing time with the old system". The possible inconsistency in these remarks could largely be explained by the fact that they were given by different respondents. The study supports the assumption that resistance is primarily seen with a change to the existing crossing situation. The following potential improvements should be emphasised: a) giving pedestrians the option to request green; b) sound signals; and c) sufficient crossing time.


Library number
C 2789 [electronic version only] /73 /85 / IRRD 864968

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1994, 44 p., 4 ref.; R-94-6

SWOV publication

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