De relatie tussen de verkeersveiligheid en openbare verlichting op kruisingen van rurale enkelbaanswegen: Analyses van een uitgebreid gegevensbestand. Een onderzoeksverslag.

Laarhoven, A.J.M. van.

In the framework of the continuing optimalisation of the spending of the financial means in the battle for traffic safety a pilot study has been carried out to analyze the effects of public lighting on traffic safety. In this study is tried to connect the quantity of public lighting on the main road respectively on the side- road on unlighted high- ways outside built up areas with one traffic lane. It is shown that public lighting on the main road has a signifi- cant positive influence on the traffic safety at night.

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Library number
B 29213 /85 / IRRD 825522

Arnhem, Provincie Gelderland, Dienst Wegen, Verkeer en Grondzaken, Afdeling Verkeer, 1985, 70 p.+ app., 5 ref.

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