De relatie tussen ongevallen en etmaalintensiteit op provinciale wegen in Gelderland : intensiteitsmetingen en wegkenmerken van enkelbaans- en dubbelbaanswegen.

Reurings, M.C.B. & Janssen, S.T.M.C.

The aim of the Infrastructure and road safety project is to establish mathematical relations between infrastructural road characteristics and the safety of these roads. In scientific literature such mathematical relations are generally refered to as accident prediction models (APMs). In this report APMs for provincial roads in (the province of) Gelderland are presented and discussed. From the eastern province of Gelderland, SWOV received a database containing traffic counts of a large number of count locations of passing motor vehicles along its road network. The traffic volume counts were from the 1993-2004 period and consisted of annual average daily traffic (AADT) counts subdivided by working days and weekends. The only road sections used for the models in the report are rural ones that do not permit mopeds, bicycles, and pedestrians. SWOV determined the 1997-2003 numbers of injury crashes on these road sections. It was only possible to make a distinction between single and dual carriageways.


Library number
C 40349 [electronic version only] /82 /71 / ITRD E208775

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2007, 42 p., 9 ref.; R-2006-21

SWOV publication

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