De samenhang tussen wonen en werken in perspectief van het Vierde Nota over de Ruimtelijke Ordening Extra VINEX-beleid

literatuurstudie. Eerste deelrapport van een onderzoek verricht in opdracht van het Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer VROM, Rijksplanologische Dienst RPD.
Hollander, B.D. den

A specific part in the fourth study on spatial planning Extra (VINEX) the policy of the Dutch government is the control of the mobility. Mobility has increased very much during the last years and it is the policy of the government to reduce car use. This literature survey presents some hypotheses on relevant correlations between living and working. If the living place and the working place are nearby, people are minded to walk or to go by bicycle. Good public transport available can also decrease the use of the car. The demand for houses in the neighbourhood of the working place is great, but the offer of payable houses is limited. In the near future areas are planned in which living and working is more integrated.


Library number
C 3848 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /72 / IRRD 875247

Delft, Delftse Universitaire Pers DUP, 1995, 101 p., 85 ref.; Werkdocument Onderzoeksinstituut OTB, Sectie Infrastructuur en Stedelijke Ontwikkeling ; 95-04 - ISSN 0923-9871 / ISBN 90-407-1097-X

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