De TNO trend in de ScenarioVerkenner 1.2 : afstemming nationale vervoerontwikkelingen met het emissiemodel VERSIT. Rapportage in het kader van het project WT-Impact (VROM-DGM).

Wilmink, L.R. & Korver, W.

In this project, the VERSIT (Traffic Situation model) emission model and the Scenario Explorer version 1.2 have been taken as a starting point. In the project, the following activities were carried out: (1) a description of the observed developments of the past years, and a comparison with the values assumed for the former trend scenario in the Scenario Explorer; (2) the development of a new TNO trend scenario for the Scenario Explorer, describing the developments for 1995-2020 and its consequences regarding mobility levels, plus a comparison of this TNO trend scenario to the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) scenarios; and (3) the implementation of a link between the Scenario Explorer and VERSIT.

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Library number
C 14353 [electronic version only] /72 /15 / IRRD E201681

Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling INRO, Afdeling Vervoer, 1999, XV + 30 p., 14 ref.; TNO-rapport Inro Vervoer 1999-10 / 99/NV/098

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