De verkeersonveiligheid in de provincie Noord-Brabant V. Onderzoek met betrekking tot enkelvoudige ongevallen in Noord-Brabant.


From traffic safety research in the province of noord-brabant it is shown that in this province more accidents in which only one vehicle was involved occur than in the other provinces. In these accidents the vehicle involved overturned, landed in water, collided against an obstacle or against a parked vehicle. The accident analyses, made for this report, were focused on crash measures. These are measures for decreasing the severity of accidents. Furthermore some pre-crash measures for preventing accidents are analysed. The road administrator can study by means of these analyses which crash measures are indicated on selected problem locations in the short term. Dangerous zones must be removed or relocated, obstacles should be constructed less dangerously and dangerous zones could be provided with safety fences or guardrail constructions. For the other parts see irrd abstracts nos 224121, 247065 and 247066.


Library number
B 16626 [electronic version only] /82 / IRRD 247814

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1979, 39 p.+ app., 21 ref.; R-79-36

SWOV publication

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