De verkeersonveiligheid in de Provincie Noord-Brabant. VIII: Verslag van het vooronderzoek voor een vergelijkend risico-onderzoek in Noord-Brabant.


This report presents the results of a preparatory study to execute a comparative risk research. The main purpose of this preparatory study was to collect the possibilities for data acquisition of the traffic performance in the province of Noord Brabant. The method used, also applicable for other regions, is described. The results of such a study can be used for other studies e.g. for studying the problems of suburbanization.


Library number
B 17107 [electronic version only] /83/ IRRD 249893

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1980, 55 p., tab.; Rapport No. R-80-15

SWOV publication

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