De VPR in de Stedendriehoek.

Brand-van Tuijn, H.A. Engelsman, C. & Elburg, H. van

The TAR in the Stedendriehoek The Transport Achievement for the Region (TAR) is an instrument aimed at the integration of traffic and transport and spatial design on a regional level to realise a higher level of quality and a higher level of sustainability. As for traffic and transport and spatial matters, the project TAR Stedendriehoek develops the TAR-methodology even further, with emphasis on developing a methodology for integrated planning-processes, focusing on the identification of integral strategic choices for the region. The region Stedendriehoek is one of the pilots where the TAR-methodology is applied. Important issues regarding developing and applying the planning-methodology are: the meaning of sustainability, spatial levels of scale and integrated concept-development. This paper reflects on the context of the pilot, the various parts of the planning-methodology and some results for the region. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20021822 a25 ST (In: ST 20021822 a [electronic version only])

In: De kunst van het verleiden : 29ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 28 en 29 november 2002, deel 1, p. 425-438, 2 ref.

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