Decision framework for corridor planning within the roadside right-of-way.

Gates, T.J. Savolainen, P.T. McArthur, A. Andridge, P. McElmurry, S. & Datta, T.K.

A decision framework was developed for context-sensitive planning within the roadside ROW in Michigan. This framework provides a roadside suitability assessment model that may be used to support integrated decision-making and policy level considerations for ROW use and development. The model accommodates a broad range of potential types of ROW developments and corridor conditions, while considering a diverse range of roadside contextual features, including land use (current and future), land cover, environmental features, natural resources, and plant and animal habitats, among other features. The primary function of the model is to determine the area(s) along a highway corridor that are most (or least) suitable for development within the roadside ROW. Calculation of a suitability index for each area along a corridor provides a relative indication of the overall suitability for development within the roadside ROW. The roadside suitability assessment was demonstrated using a 20-mile pilot section of I-94 in Kalamazoo and Calhoun Counties within Michigan. Five types of non-traditional ROW development were considered for the corridor, including solar and wind power production, vegetation management/landscaping, agriculture/farming, and green infrastructure. The resulting suitability index scores showed good relative agreement with standard land-use planning considerations. Robust and accurate statewide geospatial data is crucial for effective utilization of this model. To that end, recommendations for reconciliation of gaps in the existing geospatial datasets were provided. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20131629 ST [electronic version only]

Lansing, MI, Michigan Department of Transportation MDOT, 2013, X + 65 p., 34 ref.; Report No. RC-1596

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