Decline in drinking and driving in the Netherlands

Noordzij, P.C.
Editors: Committee on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Transportation; Sweedler, B.M. (chairm.) The nature of and the reasons for the worldwide decline in drinking and driving; Summary of the findings of the session organized by the Transportation Research Board Committee on Alcohol, Other Drugs and Transportation at the Traffic Safety on Two Continents conference in The Hague, the Netherlands on September 23, 1993 Drinking and driving in the Netherlands has declined in recent years. This has been reported before (Mathijssen & Noordzij, 1993). The main sources of information have been a series of road side surveys (including breath testing) and accident statistics. In addition to this, information is available on factors that may have contributed to this decline. An explanation proved to be difficult due to the quality of the information and to the gradual or combined introduction of a number of countermeasures. In this paper a more detailed analysis of the availble information is given.

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Published in
TRB Transportation Research Circular
Conference city
The Hague, the Netherlands
Date conference
September 23, 1993
National Research Council, Washington, D.C.

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