Demographic and offence profile of speeding in South Australia.

McColl, R.A. & Sutherland, N.

In order to better target countermeasures for speeding, an investigation into the offender profile of persons detected for speeding was instigated. Persons detected for speeding are generally issued with an expiation notice. All valid speeding expiation notices for the years 1995 and 1996 were extracted and analysed. Speed camera offences were analysed separately from non speed camera offences, since, for the former, the expiation notice is issued to the registered owner of the vehicle - not necessarily the driver. The non speed camera offender was typically male and young and lived in the outer suburbs. For repeat offenders and high speed offenders, the proportion of males increased and the average age decreased. Speed camera offenders exhibited a different profile essentially because of the higher proportion of lower speed offenders detected. (A)

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Library number
C 15728 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD E200108

Adelaide, SA, South Australia Police, Traffic Research and Intelligence Section, 1998, X + 45 p. - ISBN 0-7308-6104-X

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